Saturday Night Live has been hot after Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. In fact, they’ve already asked him to host the show.
And why not? He’s one of the most popular players in the NFL and unlike some of the stiffs from the NFL they’ve had hosting the show, he’s actually somewhat interesting. Yes, I’m looking at you Peyton Manning and you, Eli Manning.
I mean, think of the possibilities if Rodgers were to drop in on Bill Swerski’s Superfans, which is actually the only thing remotely associated with the Chicago Bears that we enjoy. Da Bears!
Rodgers said he wants to host the show, but explained why he hasn’t accepted the offer to do so on Tuesday.
“I have been invited. I want to do it right and the commitment that it takes, in my opinion to do it the right way, was just too much for me this offseason. I will be doing that in the future and look forward to the opportunity. NBC has been great to me and I’ll look forward to getting on there. Peyton set the bar pretty high and it’ll be interesting to see Eli this week to see if he can live up to his brother’s appearance.
“It’s a lot of rehearsal and I’d like to do it right — spend a week out there, spend time with the writers and the actors and put on a good show. As we’ve seen, you can tell the people who really put the time in on it and the people who maybe couldn’t make the same kind of commitment.”
We’re not sure what sort of commitments Rodgers has this offseason, but we’re sure they’re numerous. Hopefully, his No. 1 remains winning another Super Bowl with the Green Bay Packers.
I hope not. That show sucks the cock. It may have been ok 15 years ago, but not now. His discount double check commercials are funnier than that show is. Don’t stain the brand.
I actually find the Manning brothers a lot more funny and likeable than Rodgers. But, then, I’m not a Packer homer. Didn’t SNL ask Eli like three times before he finally accepted? Has to be exciting for them to get a NY hero for this.
Ed, nobody cares about you and your lousy opinions. Eli is a whiny bitch, nobody likes him except fickle fucktards from the east coast when he’s playing well. Stay clueless buddy.
Pot calling kettle. I’m not from the east coast. And take that pacifier out of your mouth before you choke on it. Packers fans are the touchiest bunch next to Jets fans ever since Eli went in there a second time and won.
Ed, I disagree about the touchiness of packers fans. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on video is the Onion Sports dome segment on the heavy drinking Pack Fan, posted here! But, then again, I do see the touchiness of SOME people on this website.
check it out…
Eli is a whiny bitch when things don’t go his way, fact. Way to be a hippocrate you dick. You would’nt have posted on this site if you were’nt touchy and jealous about A Rod bieng liked by almost everyone. Seriously, Ed take the cock out of your mouth before you choke on it. I know why you’re on this site, and it’s not to make friends. So go back to playing dungeons and dragons in that rent free room in you’re Mom’s basement.
I love how the only person on the planet who has said that SNL wants him to be on their show is Rodgers himself. Must be delusional, since you have to be popular outside the state of Wisconsin to do something like this. But he could do slimfast commercials, which would inspire the people of Wisconsin to eat less chicken wings and lard sandwiches.