Hell, we’d celebrate too if we played for the Seattle Seahawks last season. They aren’t ever winning anything.
Defensive end Anthony Hargrove, who the Green Bay Packers signed earlier this week to a free agent deal, is pretty happy to be a member of the team.
He’s now sporting a Packers hat on his Twitter account and threw up these photos the other day. It must be nice to get paid and join a team that’s halfway decent.
Last updated on September 11th, 2013 at 05:05 pm
He can post pictures…now lets see what he can do on a football field.
The Seahawks let him go because he was the player that put Brett Farve out of the game last year and he’ll probably be suspended for BOUNTY GATE. The packers should have did their research first. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
If he is suspended, then we don’t owe him money for those games. He’s not a necessary starter, only a cheap option available at low-risk to bolster our D-Line rotation. You should do your research first.
Hur dur look at me, I’m Hawk_Eye. Herp a derp!
They signed him for a reason becuase he was cheap, they new that he might get suspended so they got a good deal for their D line issue, how about u do some research
Should have said two years ago.
I think Hargrove is going to big things. He’s pretty strong and from what I’ve read and remember, he’s quick. Something the Packers lacked on the D-Line. I think Ted Thompson is onto something here and he’s not done. This plus the draft, I see at least the same number of sacks as we had in 2010. Welcome Anthony!!
The local guys interviewed Daniel Muir yesterday afternoon.
I was pretty impressed. Easy to see why TT and MM wanted him back. He is a smart guy with a great attitude.
He said he was the biggest DL on the Colts and therefore was used only as a run-stuffer. He had zero responsibility to rush the passer, which is why he didn’t get any sacks. He said he was capable of getting to the passer.
Let me be the first to kick in a 5 large bounty for Hargrove to turn around and take out Hawk.
Let’s hope this is not another Johnny Jolly situation.
Seahawks never win anything? You should probably follow the NFL if your going to write about it
Werp derpa derp
I think Hargrove will make good contributions to the Packers D next season. This guy wants to play.
@ASIMOV, I totally agree with you. He’s on the minimum salary and if he does get suspended, which is more than likely, don’t owe him anything and we’ll have Muir plus the draft to bounce back on.