Yeah, it’s been more than a week since Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers brought home the NFL MVP, but we just found this video of him talking about winning.
While Rodgers more or less says what you’d expect him to say, (“It’s an honor, blah, blah, blah.”) the better question is who is the chick in the white dress posing with Rodgers and Terrell Suggs? Unless you’re blind, you’ll probably notice she smuggled some peanuts into the event.
Guess it was a cold night.
So tell us, who the hell is she and where can we see more?
That’s Katherine McPhee, she came in 2nd on Idol and is in a new NBC show “Smash”. She and Rodgers presented an award together
it’s the smoke from that new NBC singing show. She’s been all over NBC commercials for weeks.
Looks like Cathrine McPhee. That chic thats on that new show SMASH.
What you have is a serious case of McPheever.
katherine mcphee from Idol/ Smash
A picture of him with a female, this must be his girlfriend! Just like you pretended he had a girlfriend the last time he was pictured to be within 20 feet of female. Give it a rest. The guy chugs other dude’s cum.
Is this insider information you’re supplying us with?
JHC, are you really posting a picture of the hot as hell Cat McPhee and wondering who it is?
Come on, man!!
Cat can be found all over the internet or on the new TV show- Smash, whose promos have been more ubiquitous than tattoos in prison.
For your further information, the chick that did the Super Bowl halftime show is named Madonna.
DD, maybe Christain Ponder huff’s dong. Did you ever think about that?