Green Bay Packers cornerback Davon House didn’t get much playing time his rookie season. In fact, he played in only two games and registered only one tackle.
With a full offseason program, he could contribute in 2012, though. The Packers may need him to. Both Pat Lee and Jarrett Bush — two guys ahead of him on the depth chart — are free agents.
This all depends on House not doing something stupid and injuring himself in the offseason, of course. We put the chances of that at about 50/50 right now.
Yesterday, House was wheeling around on a moped with his nephew. His wife Leatricia tweeted the following message with the photo above.
Best uncle ever!! Scooter ride. TJ
First of all, no man drives a moped, but that’s another issue entirely. The important question here is, what the hell is a guy the Packers may need to rely on heavily next season doing on a moped, motorcycle or any other sort of motorized bike?
Did no one learn anything from that idiot Ben Roethlisberger?
Last updated on September 11th, 2013 at 05:04 pm
Don’t forget Kellen Winslow Jr., son of Hall of Famer, K.W. Sr. and a dazzling prospect that, coming out of college, looked possibly more promising than his pop. Right off the bat the numbskull was injured riding a (real) scooter, lost a season, and has never lived up to potential. My kids live under my mantra they’ve made into an acronym, DDD: Don’t Do Dumbstuff !!
I personally don’t see anything wrong with what he did. Looks like the man is spending some quality time with his nephew. The kid seems to be having fun and I doubt he is doing anything extreme with his nephew on board. Now, if he was going Kellen Winslow in a parking lot I would understand. This just shows there is not much to talk about during the offseason.
there really is nothing going on in packerland
Cameron, props.
The presence of the niece precludes idiotic behavior.
Props to Davon for spending the time.
One stupid thing he is probably guilty of is that he is likely violating the law. If the info on Wikipedia is accurate, then all states except Illinois and Iowa have mandatory helmet laws for children. So if this little ride didn’t take place in either of those states, then, oops. But to see the smile on the kid’s face makes it hard to get too upset.
Come on man!
Its a fuckin scooter.
Yeah, exactly. Those things top out at about 35MPH. Are these guys supposed to just lock themselves in a weight room the entire offseason? He probably has a better chance getting hurt training.
I agree wholeheartedly. I think he should be hanging out with prostitutes, sticking needles in his arm and waving a pistol around.
This quality time with his niece has got to stop… intervention anyone?
Why, is he about to be traded to the Vikings?
Monty, like myself, you just need a bottle of Jack and wait until the draft. Or until there is actual news.
1st off, get your facts straight…he’s not married. Second, he’s having fun on a 5 yards drive with nephew. Dig out of your parents basement and do some real footwork on real news. Much to do about about nothing.