It doesn’t come as a surprise to us. Hell, we weren’t even watching.
The Pro Bowl is a fucking joke. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers confirmed what we already figured, though. There were a bunch of guys who weren’t playing at the Pro Bowl this past weekend.
“I was just surprised that some of the guys either didn’t want to play or when they were in there didn’t put any effort into it,” said.
Rodgers went on to say he was “disappointed in the lack of pride” shown by some players.
It’s somewhat surprising to hear Rodgers admit this publicly, although we always knew that to be the case. It would have been more surprising if he named names.
So come on Aaron, who dogged it?
Apparently, the AFC beat the NFC in the game by a score of 59-41.
Last updated on September 11th, 2013 at 05:04 pm
not that it matters, but the NFC lost because of cam newton who was in for two quarters. He prob really didn’t deserve to be there despite his rushing td count. but again no one really tried…maybe have the winners get 100k and the losers get nothing. that may spark a little more of a game. it was pathetic to watch. just get rid of it if players arent gonna try.
There were obviously a few safety’s and corners that were ‘trying’ not to drop the ball after Cam threw it to them.
Jeez A-Rodge. You gotta be careful how you go about bolstering your boyscout image. Next year one of them might be standing over your crumpled, concussed carcass yelling “who’s givin some effort now, beeyotch!”
I’m sure that’s exactly what they’ll do. You should be a psychologist, I’d take your advise any day. Maybe they’ll pull out a nine and cap his ass while their at it. That sounds like a good way to get revenge huh Daaaave.
Defensive linemen just stood up and tapped their opponents shoulder a few times and then kind of stopped moving…it was all half speed from the linemen’s perpective.
The Pro Bowl is lame, it should be discontinued permanently.
I tried to watch it for the first time in about fifteen years. It was actually much, much was worse than I remembered. The NFL should just get rid of it.
I love these fricking statements from A-Rodge. Most guys don’t have the guts to say something like this.
He is only saying what anyone foolish enough to watch saw.
Get rid of the fricking game already.
Just when I didn’t think I could love the guy more. I don’t do guys, but if I had to have sex with guy, it would be A-Rodge.
carefull thats how Jeff Ircink got started and you don’t want to turn into that worthless pile of dog shit, except I think he actually had sex with Brett Favre
The Pro Bowl is a waste of the fans time, and apparently the players time as well.
How ironic…Vegas makes the NFC a 5.5 point favorite and they miss covering by 23.5 points in an 18 point loss 2 weeks after Rodgers and the Packers were a 8.5 point favorite and missed their cover by 25.5 points in a game that actually mattered. Please tell us all some more about poor effort.
The only person who ever took the Pro Bowl seriously was Sean Taylor.
and look where it got him (R.I.P)
Who cares what happens with this game! Its a fluff game to honor the so called best players of the year, not unlike other pro sports. Enjoy it for what its worth. Why would a player go 100%?
I’ll venture Rodgers will not go again,even when voted to go.He wants to play the game period,not look like a pansy.
The Packers fumbled the Giants playoff game away, it wasn’t poor effort it was poor play. A- Rod put more effort in than anyone did in that game. Once again, the Pro Bowl is lame if you want to watch hard nose football, but this was the lamest when it came to certain guys not even breaking a sweat. Raji looked like a walrus out of water.
Not that it matters. But I wont be watching the Super Bowl this year. Cant really say for sure why, but I wont. Family time starts early this year I guess. Go PACK Go :/
if Favre had said that, you bitter babies would be bitching. when Favre didn’t go to the Pro Bowl, people dissed him. how hypocritical. you gloated over the fact that Peyton would beat Favre’s consec. start record and look where it got Peyton. at what point will you start dissing on AR?
@PackerFanInFL – lame as usual.