We’re sure this survey is real scientific, but ESPN has figured out America’s top five active pro athletes and Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is third.
Guess who’s No. 1.
That’s right. Jesus Boy himself, Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. The Los Angeles Lakers‘ Kobe Bryant is second and quarterbacks Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are fourth and fifth, respectively.
So here’s the part we find interesting. ESPN bases this information on responses from 1,502 people 12 and older. They are supposedly a representative sample of Americans. Tebow led polling with three percent of the vote, which means he got a whooping 45 votes.
Bryant had two percent, Rodgers 1.9 percent, Manning 1.8 and Brady 1.5.
So, la di da.
If the poll was conducted randomly, then yes, 1502 people should be more than sufficient to produce an accurate, representative sample of Americans. Yes I know, I come here to play devil’s advocate from time to time but all in good taste.
Not when there are 1502 possible answers to the poll question……..
I am a packer and lakers fan so I agree except for Tebow being number 1
I hate Tim Tebow, dumb fucks at E.S.gay.N can blow me.
Tim Tebow is the only white guy on that list that doesn’t have herpes. Way to go Aaron, your herpes aren’t slowing you down!
this is what happens when you poll downtown Denver… on a sunday, near Mile High. the land of legal medicinal marijuana.