I was watching Iron Man on TV and it got me thinking about next summer’s sure-to-be blockbuster movie, The Avengers, featuring Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and The Incredible Hulk — a group of superheroes that join forces to make a invincible team.
That, in turn, made me think of the Green Bay Packers — a group of men who have come together to become a championship team. You see the obvious similarities, right?
Even if you don’t, I’m going to be Nick Fury and give you the Green Bay Packers as The Avengers.
Clay Matthews = Thor
There are many reasons The Claymaker is Thor. First of all, the hair. Both men, or gods, have long, wavy blonde locks that flow as they battle their foes and make shampoo models jealous. Thor comes from a long line of gods and has inherited the powers they possess. Matthews comes from a long line of pro football players and has kept up his family’s reputation for hard-nosed football. Thor uses a hammer to beat and destroy anything that stands in his way. Matthews beats and destroys any offensive lineman who stands in his way and, wait for it… lays the hammer down on opposing quarterbacks.
B.J. Raji = The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk is a large and massive individual, who demolishes anything in his path. B.J Raji is a large and massive man who can demolish the interior of an offensive line. Despite their size, both have the agility to get to their destination quickly. The Incredible Hulk is the alter ego of Bruce Banner, a mild-mannered, meek scientist who designed the experiment that turned him into The Hulk. Off the field, Raji is mild-mannered and fun-loving. He dances, and hey, everyone loves a B.J.! When they’re forced to spring into action, it’s plain and simple, though — whatever is in their way, they destroy!
Charles Woodson = Iron Man
Iron Man is the alter ego of Tony Stark. Stark is the old man of The Avengers and, for a while, didn’t want to be a part of the group. Stark thought he was better as a solo act and felt he didn’t need any help. Even though Woodson signed with the Packers as a free agent he didn’t really want to be in Green Bay. Stark uses technology and intuition to keep up with younger and more vibrant evil doers. Woodson, in his 14th season, uses his experience and football intelligence to disrupt and confuse opposing quarterbacks. As you know, Woodson won NFL Defensive Player of the Year in his 12th season at the age of 34, which clearly gives him the staying power of Tony Stark, Iron Man or anyone else.
Aaron Rodgers = Captain America
Captain America is the leader of The Avengers. He’s always at the forefront of the battle. In the comics, Captain America is the name given to a soldier named Steve Rodgers. Rodgers was a small, weak boy that nobody gave a chance. He was passed over by the Army numerous times, but eventually got in, on the condition he would agree to take part in experiments to develop a super soldier. He didn’t see action right away, but when he did he quickly showed he not only belonged, but would be the one to lead America to victory. Rodgers had a shot at being the No. 1 overall pick in the 2005 NFL Draft. He wasn’t and ended up getting passed over by 23 NFL teams before being selected by Green Bay with the 24th pick. Rodgers would then sit on the sidelines for three years as Brett Favre debated about retirement. When he finally became the starter, Rodgers quickly developed into a great quarterback. In his third season as starter, Rodgers brought home the Lombardi Trophy and grabbed Super Bowl MVP honors. He’s the Packers captain… maybe even America’s.
“That Rodgers and Rodgers comparison is uncanny”- Stan Lee.
I like to think of Charles Woodson as Mace Windu. I think you guys should make a jedi comparison post
Haha this is a great article!
The analogies are spot on for everyone mentioned.
great article! i’ve been telling one of my friends that aaron rodgers is captain america and a super soldier all year! she didn’t believe me! what about hawkeye? and for obvious reasons i wont include black widow…hawkeye can be crosby!
How about Gary from Team America
B.J. Raji is far more like ‘The Blob’ from X-Men…”NOTHING MOVES THE BLOB!!!”
Lets do a comparison with the Detroit Lions and the Squidbillies…..
Awesome article…!