That’s right. We are now owners of the Green Bay Packers.
We got ours. Did you get yours?
Stock went on sale at 8 a.m. CT this morning. The website, which is is slow as molasses in January, but if you have some patience you can get where you need to. If you’re using dial-up for some reason, you may as well just shoot yourself in the face, though.
Stock costs $250 and they’ll tack on another $25 for some asinine handling fee, for a total of $275. You know why? Because they don’t give a shit. They know you’ll buy it anyway.
Way to gouge the fans for an extra $25 Packers. Real fucking nice!
You are right the site was jammed packed for the first 30 minutes or so I finally got to checkout around 10 a.m. The extra $25 is worth it to now proudly shout from the mountaintops that I am a stock holder!!! How sweet it is!!! GO PACK GO!!!
I bought mine, had a hard time justifing the cost for a piece of paper and a yearly invatation to the shareholders meeting. I could have gotten 2 cheap seat tickets to a game @ Lambeau. As a Illinois Packer fan I guess I just had to have one.
I got mine(I think). waiting for my confirmation e-mail. Anyone got theirs?
Did you read the NFL rules for owners in the prospectus?
“he NFL Rules prohibit conduct by shareholders of NFL member clubs that is detrimental to the NFL, including, among other things, owning a financial interest in any other NFL member club or other professional football organization; loaning money to other NFL member clubs or any player, coach or employee thereof or any football official employed by the NFL; acting as an agent for any NFL player; publicly criticizing any NFL member club or its management, employees or coaches or any football official employed by the NFL; or paying an NFL player or coach. If the Commissioner of the NFL (the “Commissioner”) decides that a shareholder of an NFL member club has been guilty of conduct detrimental to the welfare of the NFL then, among other things, the Commissioner has the authority to fine such shareholder in an amount not in excess of $500,000 and/or require such shareholder to sell his or her stock. In addition, if the Commissioner determines that a shareholder has bet on the outcome or score of any game played in the NFL, among other things, then the Commissioner may fine such shareholder in an amount not in excess of $5,000 and/or require such shareholder to sell his or her stock. If the Commissioner requires a shareholder to sell his or her stock, then the Corporation may have a right to repurchase the stock at $0.025 per share”
No more betting on packers games. Or complaining about the refs!
Holy shit my ass is going to jail! : O
Absolutely meaningless, im just happy a bunch of chumps are gonna be paying for the lambeau expansion.
Time to order my custom jersey with “Shareholder” on the back!
Chumps? The Chumps that support the Packers are how this team became legendary pal. I am happy to help! They have brought me so much joy over the past 15 years….love my boys!!
Totally. Who cares about voting right, private tours of the facilities, annual stock holder meetings. I also prefer my NFL team to renovate their stadiums with subsidized tax payer dollars …dick.
Sorry, I meant to reply to chump above you.
Any idea if non-USA people can buy stock?
Dan, get a friend or relative in the US to buy it for you,
send it to you. Who’s gonna know?
Irish Dan
No they cant :( only USA sadly…
RodgerDat is why socialism doesn’t work.
“Yeah you suckers foot the bill, I’ll just sit on my ass and reap the benefits of your work and sacrifice.”
Got my share! now I finally have something to fill in my wall where my autographed brent farvra picture used to be!
got my email confirmation. :)
I personally want to thank you all for buying stock in the Packers, getting the expansion (+7000) seats underway and allowing me the opportunity to acquire at least one said seat in the future!
No confirmation email yet. The “handling fee” just makes ’em $275 a share, is all.
Want to thank TotalPackers for giving the heads up a week or so early. Allowed me time to be prepared for the ‘opening day’ of the stock sale.
Because the site was S-L-O-W from the volume of visitors, latency kept feeding me back pages I had already filled out.
I only found out later that instead of purchasing one share, which I thought I was doing, (those page re-feeds were actual valid forms, not the latency) I had purchased three!
Say what you will about chumps or useless paper, but the fact is is that a stupid nobody like me is now a part owner of the Green Bay Packers, thirteen-time NFL Champions. I’ve got ‘skin in the game,’ if you will. Bragging rights? Maybe. Pride of ownership? Definitely!
( I love this site. It is my new favorite. )
Haha! Classic.
It’s been over 24 hours since i’ve bought my stock and I still haven’t recieved my confirmation e-mail. I hope I didn’t get suckered
What a scam!
To Jeff lecink the guy who is bitching about the extra 25.00 because he purchased this for his father or why ever. Your the idiot that hit submit and paid for it so shit your annoying face. At the same time this is a pretty cool and rare thing to be a part of due to the fact it’s the fifth time in history that it’s been done. I know you don’t get anything special for it but at the same time the $7.50 dollars a beer and the High prices of everything else at the game and parking pretty much are doing the same thing this stock is doing but at least this is something neat you get out of the deal. So quit raining on everyone elses parade and shoot your self.
To the guy who is bitching about the extra 25.00 because he purchased this for his father or why ever and to all the other fucking haters. Your the dumbasses that purchased something that was obviously to much for you to spend and hit submit and paid for it so shit your annoying face. At the same time this is a pretty cool and rare thing to be a part of due to the fact it’s the fifth time in history that it’s been done. I know you don’t get anything special for it but at the same time the $7.50 dollars a beer and the High prices of everything else at the game and parking pretty much are doing the same thing this stock is doing but at least this is something neat you get out of the deal. So quit raining on everyone elses parade and shoot your self.
You’re still a virgin, aren’t you?
enough said!