Green Bay Packers quarterback [intlink id=”25″ type=”category”]Aaron Rodgers[/intlink] has a good memory.
After the Packers beat… no, thrashed the [intlink id=”127″ type=”category”]Atlanta Falcons[/intlink] 48-21 in the playoffs last season, Falcons receiver Roddy White said the better team lost the game.
“We were a better team than those guys. We went out there, and we didn’t perform at our highest level,” White said.
Clearly the better team lost… I mean, got totally annihilated in the game.
Rodgers called the comment borderline disrespectful. When asked to expand by the Atlanta media this week, Rodgers remained coy.
“I just think that some of the general comments that I heard that that game was kind of a fluke maybe. I would just say that I think you need to respect your opponents. We definitely respect the Falcons,” he said.
“We were fortunate enough to go down there and play a clean game. I just felt like that maybe the respect level, just as far as those comments were concerned, maybe weren’t there at times.”
Meanwhile, the Falcons are trying to put a muzzle on White.
He was pulled out of an interview early by a team employee before the reporter could ask about his comments. The team’s official response was White had to go to a meeting.
We don’t think Rodgers needs any additional motivation, but it will be fun to see if the Packers keep their foot on the gas a little longer in Atlanta on Sunday.
Last updated on December 3rd, 2014 at 09:53 am
Just more fuel to the fire for Rodgers… wait… We’ve got an out of control bon-fire!!
Go Pack!! GO!!!
The person I really feel for is Rowdy Roddy Piper. Roddy White is a real disgrace to the name Roddy.
Fuck that motherfucker. Go Pack Go
Roddy White’s a great receiver but here he acted like an absolute idiot. Why on earth would ever give a quarterback who picked you apart as if you were a JV team any more motivation to beat you? Why give a team who absolutely embarrassed you on national television in your home dome any bulletin board material.
Oh and once again, Aaron takes the high road. What’s new?
Could one of the dirty birds mouth off about the pass defense this season? I think they need the motivation more than A-Rodge & the offense.
What you don’t understand is the falcon’s and their fans are all complete dirt bags to begin with. I live in savannah so I have to deal with them on a daily basis. They always have piss poor attitudes and are real assholes.whenever they lose its a fluke, and when they win they act like they owned the other team the whole game. I was fortunate enough (or unfortunate) to go to the regular season game against Atlanta last year. After the game the fans were beyond nasty. they would literally follow you all the way back to your car and yell and mock you right in your face even if their vehicle was on the complete other side of the stadium. I was ready to clip some wings myself after that game. then my roommate had to be a falcons fan as well. I must have gotten about 50 text from him in a period of about 30 minutes shit talking the packers making it sound like Atlanta blew them out. Then I went to the Carolina game this year. I talked with a guy that works at the hotel and he confirmed the Atlanta and their fans are truly the nastiest in the NFL by far. point of the story is Atlanta and their fan’s aren’t very classy. I hope Rodgers throws for 600 yards and the defense doesn’t give them anything! 60-0 pack!!
What a douche bag. They’re still scratching their heads at just what the hell hit them in the playoffs last year. Their secondary sucks, and they have the second fewest sacks in the league this year. My guess is Rodgers puts three scores on the board before the second quarter, just like the Saints game. This one’s over before halftime.
The last person in the league you want to take shots at is Rodgers…He gets motivated by anything negative. Dropping in the draft, being dissed by Brett after the Draft,ect. It adds fuel to his motor. (not that he needs it) I firmly believe Rodgers motivation is to be the leagues best QB, in NFL history, and he has the tools to do it. All the rest is just more fuel. You can put Rodgers stats up against anyone in the league. (EVER) And he’s at the top…..Anyone who wants to take shots…Brett..ANYONE….Bring it, then sit down, watch him play and watch him win. The Packers should redo his deal, make sure he is a Packer for the next 10 years.
Roddy White is a dumbass. Good work buddy. Which player do you want to knock your ass out? Twill? Wood? cm3? All of the above!
Cant wait to see another bird killing in primetime with all of the country watching.
Go Pack Go!
I can’t believe that there are fans nastier than Viking/ Bear fans. Fuck all those assholes in the dirty south. If somebody followed me to my car I’d club the shit out of them with a fongo bat.