I’m going to skip all the usual shots we like to take at [intlink id=”35″ type=”category”]Minnesota Vikings[/intlink] fans, today.
Well, maybe not all of them.
In case you haven’t heard, the Vikings want to move out of the shithole, commonly known as the Metrodome, they currently play in. The team has two competing plans for a new stadium, one on the site of the Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis and another in suburban Arden Hills.
The Arden Hills site is expected to be announced as the winner today.
Here’s the problem, the stadium itself still needs to be financed. Some of the money to pay for construction will come from the Vikings and the rest will likely come from the state of Minnesota through a mix of new and existing taxes.
Guess what?
People in Minnesota, who supposedly love the hell out of their truly-awesome, beacon-of-all-that-is-right franchise, don’t want to pay for the stadium.
Seventy-four percent of respondents to a Star Tribune poll were against using public funds for a new Vikings stadium. Further, 62 percent said the Vikings should stay in the Metrodome.
If the Vikings played in a stadium built 20 years ago, I’d have to agree, especially with Minnesota facing a $5.1 billion budget deficit.
End collective bargaining, that will take care of everything!
Sorry. My ADD got the best of me there for a moment.
Anyway, this stadium situation is a little different. The Metrodome is right up there with whatever the [intlink id=”89″ type=”category”]San Francisco 49ers[/intlink] are calling Candlestick Park these days as the worst venue in the NFL. It doesn’t generate money for the Vikings — specifically, luxury box and suite revenue most other teams do generate — leaving them consistently ranked as one of the poorest franchises in the NFL.
While I could personally care less about the Vikings, this reality makes relocating the team a very real possibility if they don’t get a new stadium. The team’s lease at the Metrodome ends after this season, which is the only thing tying them to Minnesota, other than history.
You’d think Vikings fans, who love to stand up and yell nonsense in your ear when their team is winning, would be more than happy to pony up some extra tax dollars to keep their beloved Vikings in town. You know, kind of like the people of Wisconsin did when the Green Bay Packers wanted to renovate Lambeau Field.
Of course, you’d be underestimating the ignorance of Minnesota Vikings fans.
Last updated on May 17th, 2015 at 12:29 pm
Really? And there wasn’t strong opposition to Miller Park Stadium years ago? People are thinking about schools, roads, and mass transit. The team isn’t relocating, either. Follow the news and comments from the owners.
This post seriously made my day.
Let the Viqueen trolling begin… lmao
Nah, they won’t troll this, because they know it’s true.
In this instance, Vikings fans sounds like geniuses.
Why should I have to pay for Zygi’s new dump?
When its a matter of losing your team or not, it comes down to how important your team really is to MN. Obviously not that important. How much extra would you really be paying yourself? Under $5 a person I am sure.
Yeah. What can they possibly say. It’s a fact, there is no argument. This is the same time that struggles to sell games out sometimes.
The Los Angeles Vikings?…the Toronto Vikings? hilarious!!!
Just let the Viqueens go, i’ll prefeer the Rams in the NFC North.
Aaron Rodgers vs Sam Bradford?
Sounds like a pretty good rivilary to me.
Monty – you neglected to mention the best part of that poll: The same poll revealed for the first time, however, that voters believe money spent on the Twins’ Target Field was worth it.
from: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/05/10/poll-says-minnesotans-dont-want-to-pay-for-new-stadium/
In other words, the Twins are more popular with the local fans than the Vikings.
……and there you have it.
That’s because the Twins are a model of how a small market professional sports team ought to be run. The Vikings, well, they are the other example…
Wow, even as a Packer fan i think this artilce as well as the comments on this article are trash. To have a team leave a city, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
and what about tradition in the Black and Blue NFC North. Half my family are Vikings and half Packers, and I think both teams have the most passionate fan base.
for real try to class it up over here
thank you GIrt. finally, a packer fan who is logical. I am a huge Vikings fan, and I go to school in eau claire where there are a good amount of packer fans, so i am used to getting ripped apart for battles I am not even involved in. I agree with everything you say. Yes the metrodome is a dump, but the rivalry is good for the nfl and it’s good for fans. having the vikings leave would be terrible.
I hate the Packers. More so, I hate the Packer fans, but I still wouldn’t want your precious “do-nothing-wrong” team to leave. Thats just wrong. Sure, I’ll squabble as much as the next guy with a Packer fan but we both maintain a mutual understanding and that is we both support our teams till the bitter end. Do you really want the Vikings to move? I’d think that the average Packer fan would be above that but I could be wrong. We are talking about Packer fans here. =]
There is one thing I love to hate (OK maybe 2, da Bears) and that is the Viking in our division. That said, I really love them because the tradition and history of the NFC North makes the games so much better to watch. Back when defense ruled and we were the “Black and Blue” division, it was awesome to wacth the games. As a fan of football I would hate to lose Minnesota in our division, much prefer a better Viking team to compete like Detroit is doing, because, they make the Packers look better when we win the division. The old sage was your team, your division. your conference, I still fell that way. Give them the stadium. Minnesota really needs to step up.
My whole family is Vikings fans…I’m the only Packer fan that came out…getting bashed at family events is part of the game(xmas, thanksgiving, etc.) with that being said, I love the rivalry and as hard as my grandpa tried to convert me with his persuassion of Fran Tarkenton, and the “Purple People Eaters” I would never put blasphemy on my boys in the Green and Yellow. With that being said, even though I “hate” the vikings, as an all time Packers fan, you have to give the team respect…and even though my family is Vikings fans, what they did do is help me LOVE the game of football. I don’t want to see the Vikings leave, the rivalry is to much fun, and who would I bash then when were up :) Point being, Good luck on the stadium rebuilding, I hope things work out, and for GODS SAKE, pull your weight, so the NFC North can once again be the Division no team wants to visit ;) GO PACK GO!