It won’t surprise anyone a politician is full of shit.
Illinois governor Pat Quinn made a bet with Wisconsin governor Scott Walker over the Green Bay Packers NFC Championship tilt with the Chicago Bears. The loser of the bet agreed to work at a food pantry in the winner’s state wearing the opposing team’s gear.
Quinn has thus far failed to step foot in Wisconsin. He cancelled a scheduled appearance on Feb. 21, so, of course, people are wondering if he ever plans on showing up.
“He fully intends to live up to the terms of the bet,” said his spokesman, Grant Klinzman.
“He’s a very, very busy guy. I think you guys have been pretty busy, as well.”
Yeah, this is important stuff, though.
Last updated on November 17th, 2013 at 12:24 pm
Something tells me he will try and delay settling the bet until (as he hopes) everyone forgets about it…
What do you expect from a gimpy dick liberal. He is busy with his homo friends and union douch bags. What a loser.
Thats what happens when you associate yourself with scott walker, you go into hiding because being seen with that croocked eyed crook is intolerable