Somehow, I think we all knew this wouldn’t end well.
Green Bay Packers defensive end [intlink id=”205″ type=”category”]Johnny Jolly[/intlink], who’s currently serving an indefinite suspension from the NFL and awaiting trial for felony possession of codeine, was arrested early this morning. He was caught with 600 grams of codeine in his vehicle.
Houston police stopped Jolly’s Cadillac Escalade for a traffic violation at 12:45 a.m. on the 9900 block of Westpark. Jolly presented a state identification card rather than a driver’s license, and police learned that his license is suspended and is not eligible for renewal.
While searching the vehicle, police discovered that Jolly was in possession of 600 grams of Codeine, which is a felony charge. Police also discovered another unidentified substance, which has been sent in for testing.
All I can do is shake my head. Jolly is obviously more into the codeine business than he is into playing in the NFL.
Codeine, in case you were unaware, is used in a concoction known as purple drank or sizzurp, among other things, and is mixed with Mountain Dew or Sprite and Jolly Ranchers. The drink was invented and popularized in Jolly’s native Houston.
Jolly has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer and when he began working out with former [intlink id=”29″ type=”category”]Oakland Raiders[/intlink] quarterback JaMarcus Russell, who was arrested for codeine possession in a separate incident, you almost knew something bad was about to happen.
We can now officially give up hope Jolly will ever play for the Green Bay Packers again.
Frankly, someone this stupid deserves to do time. Maybe the fact his actions have consequences will finally register in his big, stupid head.
Thanks for fucking up early enough for us to fix this. Bye John.
What a total MEATSTICK. Could be a superbowl champion right now. Instead he is a superchump. Back to the pen for you druggie.
Dumb da Dumb DUMB
Dumb da Dumb DUMB
Oh for heaven’s sake Johnny!!! Your daddy should whip your big fat BE-HIND!!
Not surprised at all. Saw this coming. He was talented but undisciplined on the field, and a complete dumbfuck off of it.
I wonder how good Jenkins looks to TT now?
To bad Johnny Jolly enjoyed Jolly Ranchers more than playing in the NFL. Enjoy your drank in your cell.
Regardless, I don’t think Jenkins will be back on the team.
Well, shit. I was hoping the kid could pull it together. See ya, Johnny.
At least we know already instead of post-draft… That extra pick for Kampman may come in handy now.
Idiocy of cataclysmic proportions. Hope your codeine business is doing well because you just blew millions of dollars.
Johnny Jolly: “Let me see, should i drink codeine, or should i get reinstated and play in the NFL again, make millions, remain a free black man with a lot of money and prestige, get paid, finally go buy another Benz, sell the Condo, buy a new house, get my life back together…hmmmmmm…AH F IT!!!…YOOOOO Russ!!!, throw me a purple, I gots to hits da road”, J J, Everyone deserves a 2nd chance, you had yours fuk head, enjoy the time in your 6X9 cell, you dumb mofo…and next time i wont be so nice!!!
Like we needed this drug addicted clown anyway. Who cares lets bring in a rookie that is better than his old ass anyway. Jolly is fucking stupid!
I foresee the packers drafting a few defensive linemen in this draft.
no Jenkins now no Jolly.
People can say what they want about the Vikings and comparatively minor legal issues. . .but, boy howdy, I can’t remember the last time the Vikings had a drug kingpin on their roster
What do you mean? You have the Williams Wall. Or the suspended Williams Wall.
You also can’t remember the last time the Vikings won a big game.
Cmon man. Some guys just never learn. Book e
Him Danno.
Stick a fork in him! This kinda guy has no place on the team, last time they were talking about a ten year sentence, so maybe justice will be served this time.
Justice? What did his victimless crime do to you. Dude likes codine, I’m sure you like alcohol. Its just too bad he has no street smarts. We did need him.