You know I can never resist the opportunity to gaze upon Jenn Sterger’s breasts, so I was uber excited when I found out she finally sued someone.
Unfortunately, it’s not the someone you think. No, the statute of limitations has run out on Sterger’s chance to sue [intlink id=”41″ type=”category”]Brett Favre[/intlink].
Instead, she’s decided to sue Phil Reese.
If you’re saying to yourself, “Self, that name sounds vaguely familiar,” that’s because it should. Reese was Sterger’s “manager” and the moron prancing around issuing statements and giving interviews on Sterger’s behalf during the Great Brett Favre Cock Text investigation of 2010.
What is she suing him for?
Well, the elusive and infamous “Sterger materials.”
WTF are the Sterger materials, you ask?
Initially I thought it was a reference to her lady bits, as in, “I’d really like to get balls deep in the Sterger materials!”
That didn’t make much sense, although I’d totally go balls deep on that.
Anyway, here’s what Deadspin’s resident decoder of lawsuits, Barry Petchesky, says.
Sterger is alleging two things: first, that she turned over to Reese all the text messages, emails and voicemails from Favre. At the time, she says, she was “working in consultation with her attorney regarding potential legal issues arising from the Favre story.” Since Reese had hired the lawyer, she gave Reese the “Sterger Materials.” Now she no longer wants him representing her, but he has refused to return the materials.
Here’s where it gets awesome.
Sterger and Reese created a corporation in January for the purpose of pursuing a book deal about Favre and his tiny penis. The corporation was called Game Of Inches.
Later, Sterger decided against writing a book and tried to sever ties with Reese, but he allegedly continued to tell people he was her manager and is considering writing his own book.
The suit was essentially filed in an attempt to stop Reese from profiting from their relationship.
You’ve not heard the last of Jenn Sterger by a long shot, goddam it!
Last updated on September 11th, 2013 at 05:04 pm
The Packers just won the Superbowl, and we’re still talking about this? At this point, the only reason I can comprehend that this Monty person, or whoever runs this loser website, is still interested in this story is because Favre has a bigger cock than him and he can’t deal with it. It must have been pretty humiliating for this Monty character to look at those pictures and realize Favre was better than him all aspects, including cock size. Life sucks for you, dude.
I can swing with the best of ’em, son. Ask around. You won’t have to look far.
Ha! That’s your response to being told you have small cock? Thanks for proving my point, “son”. You must have gotten the shit beaten out of you high school a lot. Apparently stuff like that has lifelong repercussions. Like producing someone who lies about the size of their cock on the internet.
Aww, did the Packers winning the Superbowl make you jealous? Well, too bad. Suck it loser.
BB, Your a Douche!
Don’t let the haters get you down Monty I thoroughly enjoy these out of bounds stories to help pass the time during the off-season!
She can sue me for sexual harassment.
BB, this site is for heterosexuals. Sorry.
I support our inalienable right to freedom of speech. I support our inalienable right to bear arms. And more importantly, I support our right to post Jenn Sterger pictures for the slightest of reasons. Shit, for no reason at all, even.
Game of Inches?? Hahahaha… that is some hilarious shit.
Then what are you doing here? What’s the matter, are you ashamed of your small cock too? The loser who runs this website has every right to post stories that make him feel better about his shameful, tiny penis. And I have every right to call him on his bullshit. If you can’t handle it, don’t dish it, pussy.
Hahaha… the infamous tough guy words on the internet. The smallest dog barks loudest. I can handle it just fine. In fact, I find it hilarious. Keep it coming.
You seem strangely fixated on the length of other guys’ cocks. Don’t worry. We all know why. You won’t get pics no matter how hard you try.
Keep trafficking “this loser’s” website. He appreciates it.