That’s right, [intlink id=”772″ type=”category”]Rex Ryan[/intlink], coach of the [intlink id=”69″ type=”category”]New York Jets[/intlink], former Total Packers Cunt of the Week, foot aficionado and generally the smartest guys in the room (just ask him!) is saying the Green Bay Packers will not repeat as Super Bowl champions.
Well, he didn’t exactly say that, but he said it by default when he guaranteed a Jets win in Super Bowl XLVI while sitting courtside at a Knicks game over the weekend.
The Gang Green coach told the Post “there’s no way we don’t get it done next year,” and said to MSG’s Jill Martin at halftime that “next year I know we’ll win it.”
There you have it. We may as well not even play the season.
Oh! Wait!
This isn’t the first time Ryan guaranteed a Super Bowl win. In fact, I think it’s the third.
Thus far, the mouth that loves to hear itself talk is 0-2 on his predictions, but then, he’s a little off base in general. Ryan added this about quarterback Mark Sanchez.
“You’ve got to have broad shoulders, he has broad shoulders,” he said. “I always talk about skin like an armadillo — though I know it’s armor — but that’s the illustration we make to our guys. He’s a great player, a great person, and he can handle this.”
When he’s talking about “a great person,” I believe he’s referring to the same Sanchez that was banging a 17-year-old girl not too long ago.
Last updated on September 11th, 2013 at 05:03 pm
There is nothing better then watching the Vikings implode…but the Jets are a close second! I don’t even think they make the playoffs next year..there offense is shit and built to ‘win now’..I expect them to fall apart early next season.
u mean like GB did in 08?
08 they go
09 Champeenship game
10 nupe
11 ?
08 Split each win at home
09 GB loses twice to them
10 GB wins both games, Lambeau game was a Great one
08 Lorenzo “almost” got em’ there
09 Champeenship game
10 Champeenship game
11 ?
10 GB wins 9 – 0 tough game
mehbee u right?
mehbee not?
What the fuck does this even mean?? Will you learn how to type complete sentences before you decide to post your idiotic dribble on this site? Thanks.
sorry did not realize ur….or you are the “complete sentence cop”…ha!
I said maybe you are right…..
or maybe not……
did not realize you had to be “politically correct” “on this site”?
see the reply “box”, I can reply to you or “anyone” on this site.
or is this only for “you”….
is this a segregated site….??
To the Moderator of this site, is this a open site or only to one-way responders?
see the reply “box”, I can reply to you or “anyone” on this site.
Well then, I’m replying to you.
You’re a dick.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t disagree with what you say. Why, you ask? Because I can’t fucking understand what you’ve typed. I can read it, because I can recognize the word structures as being vaguely English. There’s picking nits, and then there’s making the objective claim that the way you write your posts honestly makes them pretty worthless.
You may have something constructive to add the conversation, you may not – the fact of the matter is that, for me at least, I glance at the way that you’ve written… whatever it is that you’ve written, I groan, and don’t bother to try to dredge the contents from the murky, muddy water encompassing them.
Look at the WAY everyone else writes, not necessarily at WHAT they write, try to follow the basic conventions, and perhaps people will begin to take you seriously (though it seems that most of those noble souls who have dared to try to mine your posts for nuggets of intelligibility seem to think you’re “a dick,” so maybe this entire post is really for naught).
What do you expect him to say? “The Packers. I mean, we’re pretty good; but we’re no Green Bay Packers”
Go suck on a toe ya fat fuck!
That der is what weez calls a dousche.
Oh dear Ryan, what will happen with your team when all the free agents leaves and the veterans retire?
That’s what I like about Rex. Wouldn’t change a thing. Wish the league had a few more like him.
Maybe I’m not as smart as Rex, but I think you have to actually get to a Superbowl before you can win one.
How about we establish a season before we talk about anyone winning.
This guy’s act will eventually start to wear thin with his team All the talk in the world guarantees nothing. I’d say if they don’t deliver the next season (whenever that starts), even those closest to him will stop listening to Big Rex.
A loudmouth coach refreshing? Hardly.
Rex Ryan 2020: No way we don’t get it done in 2021. I don’t care what you say. Who cares if we haven’t gotten it done in the last 10 years. You can’t criticize us.
There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence.
The headline is misleading. There is no one smart in this article.
same to you rob….., I ain’t gonna’ cry if u write me back…..