Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, a die-hard [intlink id=”35″ type=”category”]Minnesota Vikings[/intlink] fan (and therefore, loser), was forced to pass a resolution honoring the Green Bay Packers for winning the Super Bowl.
Klobuchar was in charge of wrapping up the Senate’s outstanding business Friday and had to read the resolution, which passed with unanimous consent. Of course, as we’ve all come to expect, that doesn’t mean she didn’t have something stupid and delusional to say about it afterward.
“I was simply asked to read all the resolutions for the close of the day, and it happened to be one of them,” Klobuchar said. “While it wasn’t my resolution, I congratulate the Packers on their victory and know that next year it will be the Vikings.”
It still amazes me, even though I should know better, how much like clockwork it is. Say something about the Packers to a Vikings fan, cue completely idiotic, irrational response.
Yeah Amy, the Vikings are going to the Super Bowl, next season. If the NFL decides to start putting the fourth-place finisher in the NFC North in the playoffs instead of the first-place one.
Last updated on November 17th, 2013 at 12:24 pm
Or the second place one……
You do realize it is impossible for a 4th place division winner to go to the playoffs right?
The Vikings have no QB, no money, shit for draft picks, no roof over their stadium, and they all wear purple. I would be surprised to see them pull off a .500 season. But hey, seattle made it into the playoffs this year so anything is possible….except for the vikings making it into the superbowl next year!
saints were in 4th place in 08, won super bowl in 09
Who wrote this story? Whoever did is an idiot. Have respect for other fans. Funny how the Steelers play their worst game of the year and still had the chance to win at the end. The packers luckily went on a run at the right time just like the 08 Giants. Its embarressing when a classless organization like the packers win the super bowl.
The Packers are a classless organization because of a team blog unrelated to the organization? Growing up in a town on the mississippi river I always gave Vikings fans crap,as they did to me. You can’t take this so serious Dave, Sorry your so embarrassed, life must be hard for you.
Yeah, the luckily the Packers went on a run… 6 games in a row, 4 of them on the road, through the #1, 2, and 3 seeds in the NFC and the top dog in the AFC, finishing it off without 2 team leaders.
Just a lucky little hot streak there.
The Steelers are a franchise I respect (unlike the dead-end Vikings) but it wasn’t until the Packers started reeling with losses of key players that Pittsburgh was even in that game.
Hats off to them for going down swinging, but don’t kid yourself- Driver and Woodson play that whole game, and it’s over after 3 qtrs.
Don’t forget the 15 players on injured reserve.
someones jealous of the packers… his name is Dave lindell
I love all this PACKER HATING!!!
Guess what????
Dave Lindell is a pathetic fuck trolling Packers sites to hate on the Packers…
Sorry the organization isn’t classless just the fans.
Dave Lindell doesn’t have the belt, so he is just upset. Packer fans have the belt!!!
I don’t know bout u guys but I never go on Vikings or Bears websites to laugh at how much of a joke they are. Even though it might be for a good laugh.
If you’re a Vikings or Bears fan or packer hater- this website is not for u. You’re not wanted here and ur comments just let us see how pathetic you ALL are.
If you want to keep running your mouths on a PACKERS website, go right ahead, just know you are a joke and no one cares about you. Not to mention, your team is garbage and you will never know what it feels like for ur team to be champions.
Fuck all punk
fudge packers fans. Shows that if vikings are not in your way you get to be chumps.
The Queens have been nothing but chumps in their entire history.
Now the Packers have been Champs 13 times including 4 Superbowls. But thats something the Queens and their pathetic loser fans can’t imagine.
If you were educated or owned a computer you would know the history behind the name “Packers” which was founded in 1919. This is another example of how classless Viking fans really are.
“up yours” must of found a gay bar with free wifi. Make sure you wash your hand after you do the deed. lol
What do you mean?
The Vikings were in the way… until the Packers completely humiliated them, to the point where they quit.
You should be ashamed of that team. Disgraceful bunch of quitters- the opposite of the Pack.
(Except Adrian Peterson- that poor kid deserves to be on a real team.)
face it in a year when all the dominant divisional teams fell by the way side the bottom feeders get one day in the sun.
Yea and you will always be a loser!
All of this about how the Packers should have lost is utter hogwash. Had James Jones caught that pass in the 3rd quarter, he would have scored a TD and the game would have been over.
Really, though, who cares? The PACKERS are Super Bowl Champions!
I like how these people cry and they are jealousm they should leave. I hope they know paybacks a bitch.
These Viking fans are making Bear fans look classy. Wierd!
Lastly Amy Klobucher is classless and shows her jealousy of a successfull team. Minnesota does not deserve a Pro football team. I wish they would just go away. Kind of like Afgani’s wish the Taliban would go away. Evil bastards!
Dave how can you in your little pea-sized mind call the Packers a classless organization?! Everything about that comment screams classless!! They are an organization the just proved they are better than your team! I don’t think the Steelers played bad, they just got beat on many occasions in the game and that is why they lost. Plain and simple junior!
We talk shit because that is a feature of this site. Monty posts and we comment. Sometimes polesmokers like you drop in and it just makes the experience that much more interesting. Your a fucktard and we make it known!
I can deal with Bears fans on the net and in person. They are fun to talk shit back and fourth with. I absolutely 100% am not certain the Vikings fans are pure fucking scum!!! They had 4 chances to win the Superbowl in the team existence and they blew everyone one of them! They can blame no one but themselves for being fucking stupid and no building onto what they already had and for not working together as a team. They went and begged the biggest ass of a quarterback to come back for another season and then they acted like a bunch of skirts and drove their coach away! I am fucking proud to be a Packer fan! I didn’t like them before…now I loath the queens and there pathetic fan base!
-now certain- (that is)
More proof…of Minnie’s gayness
As a green & gold bleeding Packers maniac I love this blog. That said, the level of blatant homophobia in the comments section is disturbing and frankly embarrassing. I mean, I get that football is a tough guy sport and a certain amount of knuckledraggery is to be expected, but I think some of you doth protest too much, if you know what I mean…
Considering that was a literary reference and a lot of you can’t even spell, maybe I should explain. Y’ know how the biggest loudmouth homophobes in congress and the church tend to be the ones who get caught with male prostitutes or sucking dick for meth? Yeah, kinda like that. See you in the police blotters, boys!
Also, fuck the Vikings.