Here’s another video animation from those crazy bastards at Next Media Animation.
This time, they’re apparently trying to describe the Pittsburgh Steelers, Green Bay Packers and the Super Bowl to a nation that cares little about it.
They’ve spiced things up by including a naked Ben Roethlisberger, who not only gets caged and Tasered, but also has a clock tower for a penis.
Brett Favre also makes a naked cameo, alone in a room, watching porn. Favre has a six shooter for a penis.
These are things I did not know.
Porn directors think this is some messed up shit.
They can’t do this to their own because this Taiwan belongs to China. Making fun of all things American is cool, but they all want a green card.
These are written by comedians in New York
What Ben doesn’t know is that in hell, his penis will actually take the form of a dead catfish.. Favre still gets a gun