This lifelong Green Bay native bleeds green and gold. After years spent cheering on the Packers from the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field, I decided to take my passion to the digital world. Now, I run Total Packers (Update: I'm retired), a blog dedicated to all things Packers, where I offer up my takes on the latest news, game analysis, and everything in between. When I'm not dissecting the latest draft picks or debating Aaron Rodgers' legacy (yes, that Aaron Rodgers), you can find me tailgating before games with a bratwurst in one hand and a beer in the other. Go Pack Go!
Don’t you think that it might be a play on words like Superfans aka Bill Swerski’s: Da Bears. Chicagoans speak.
they aren’t important enough to make sure their spelling is correct…
Shitcahgoe would have worked…
You know, pronunciation-wise, that’s relatively close to ‘suck-cock-o.’
suck cock o? Really? Wow this is very funny to come to a cheeseheads blog and to read all the crappy insults to come from you inbred hunchbacks.
Is this the best reporters have? I bet those newspapers have lots and lots of pictures on them. I can’t wait until Peppers smashes judd nelson (your QB) to the ground. I can’t stand looking at Mathews long womanly hair, he looks like jay from jay and silent bob. Bye hillbillies!!!
You have nothing to talk about, and if you were listening many of us are from large metro areas like L.A. Twin Cities etc. Besides your state harbors the KKK capital of the world. That makes sense how you lump all Packer fans into one generalization. Shut your stereotypical racist cake hole and go regurgitate to your Bear buddies. By the way enjoy paying all those taxes in your poverty stricken state. Imbred toothless looser!
Haha, what is this nonsense? This is unbelievably incomprehensible. Irony much?
For what it’s worth, I live in Chicago, and yeah, it does suck.
I hate Illinois Nazis
Let’s meet Luey down in CHI-CA-GO for da big game! I wanna buy that man a beer and then bash it over his skull.
Sorry fellas I got carried away. I am just really upset right now. My mom canceled my account on World of Warcraft and Backdoor Bandits. It’s really hard being a bald, overweight, 45 year old virgin living around Chicago in his mommy’s basement. So I feel the need to talk shit to Packer fans on a Packers blog.
It might be fun to go play in traffic on I-88!!
Luey, may your first born son love musical theater and hate the chicago Bears.
Hey vj aka vaginaboy I would love for you to come down here with a packers jersey and have a beer with me!! You’ll end up with cheese down your throat in a random backyard. But for real though why do you guys hate chicago so much? Is it because our women aren’t as fat as yours? Or is it because we actually have a downtown? hmmm
yeah i think these packer fans are jealous we actually have towns within 20 miles of each other with population ABOVE 200. and they’re jealous of us HAVING A DOWNTOWN, jealous of our shopping centers, jealous of our rich suburbs (i live in one. Barrington represent!). and most of all they’re jealous that Chicago has been around since the early 1800’s being one of the nation’s largest industrial cities in America. Be jealous pricks..i would too. Gonorrhea Bay needs to realize that Rodgers sucks dick without his lineman and his receivers. THEY MAKE HIM LOOK GOOD. Cutler has one of the best arms in the league right behind Vick and Manning. Forte is one of the top backs in the league, Peppers is top DE, Urlacher is top LB, and Hester Knox and Olsen are top WR’s in the league. so please. Kick the ball to Hester and watch history repeat itself as he shits on your terrible ass team and takes it 102 yd’s back.
They should of replaced the last “o” with an ” A”
Its not a play on words and its not that you morons think “we’re not that important enough”. Lets face it you Greenbay sister kissing imbred yokels just can not spell. You are in for the beating of a lifetime this Sunday and you know it. You have nothing that can stop us so enjoy your moment while it lasts because your season ends in 4 days. And beleive me I have been to Greenbay and I know you sorry pricks have nothing else besides your football team and hunting season.
A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Cheesehead.
She asks her students to raise their hands if they are
Cheeseheads too.
No one really knowing what a Cheesehead was, but wanting
to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like flashy fireworks.
There is, however, one exception. A girl named Kristen
who has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different.
“Because I’m not a Cheesehead.”
“Then”, asks the teacher, “what are you?”
“Why, I’m a proud Bear Fan,” boasts the little girl.
The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks Kristen why she is a rebel.
“Well, my mom and dad are Bear Fans, so I’m a Bear Fan too.”
The teacher is now angry. “That’s no reason,” she says loudly. “What if your mom was a moron, and your dad was a moron. What would you be then?”
A pause, and a smile. “Then,” says Kristen, “I’d be a Cheesehead
One of your Bear fans spit on Nick Collins at the Monday night game this season. Classy.
I hate to say it but I think Vikings fans have more class. I’ve been to the Metrodome with a Green Bay Jersey twice and nobody messed with me. You few fans that are entering this site and talking that much trash and (gateway to racism) stereotyping people from Wisconsin are making Bear fan look like a sloppy pig with no self control. My ex-brother-in-law, who lives in Illinois, smokes in the house around my nephews when he has visitation. It takes ever fiber to not cave his head in with a shovel. Do you want me to judge everyone from Illinois because of that piece of shit? I don’t think so. Watch yourselves! You have just as many flaws in your state.
I thought this post’s point was to make fun of a typo on a Wisconsin newspaper headline…apparently, its about latent homosexuality and Luey’s whore-filled family. Wow, Monty, I consider myself pretty bright, but even I didn’t pick up on those undertones. Really tricky symbolism Monty! You should write code for the CIA. :-)
This stupid fuck LUEY is still prowling around on this website? Get a fuckin life…
Chicago sucks, Boston kicks ass
Chicago doesn’t suck, it’s team’s fan’s suck. You’ve probably never been…
Born in Chicago, lived in Chicago, got family in Chicago. I exaggerated a little bit, Chicago is pretty cool (and frankly even as a Packers fan Chicago is better than Green Bay, it’s a major city against a town, obviously), but Boston, where I’ve lived for five years now, is fun as hell. Good financial sector too, which is my area.
Despite the Pats fans, who are horrible and know nothing about football.
Wow. Some great stuff on here. There’s a reason why your state is #1 in DUI’s and obesity…great compelling comments…it’s a shame the UP has to share a border.
And shame on you…the piece of shit packer fan fuck who desecrates one of the best ambassadors of the game in Walter Payton. Id like to meet you in a dark alley. But you ain’t worth a rats ass…uneducated POS. Yet, you talk about education but its apparent you are single and have a tv and an internet connection…good for you and your right hand. Go play your fantasy football…LMFAO.
The G was there… right on Aaron’s helmet!
That’s why the spellcheckers missed it.