Let’s talk settlement.
Let’s talk Brett Favre paying Jenn Sterger a large sum of money to not speak to the NFL about allegations he texted her photos of his johnson.
Sterger’s camp says Favre’s camp offered them a settlement prior to the allegations being published. Favre’s camp says Sterger’s camp reached out to them several times and intimated they were looking to get paid.
Here it is from the horses’ mouths.
First, the Sterger camp told the AP this.
“I was concerned because I didn’t know exactly what was going to be coming out, and I knew that it wasn’t going to be good for everyone involved,” Phil Reese, Sterger’s manager, said. “He asked me if there was a specific figure in mind that could make this go away. I told him, ‘I wish it were that easy, but there’s no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.”
Then, Favre’s agent, Bus Cook, replied with this.
“Her manager and her lawyer have made numerous overtures to me … at least 6 between the two of them,” Cook said. “Anyone can figure out why. The point is we were never going to pay them, we didn’t pay them and we will never pay them. Because, there is NO reason to pay them! They should consider that their attempts to negotiate privately and through the media have failed.”
Cook, who pretty much only tells the truth when it benefits him, refused to comment further or answer any questions.
All along it seemed pretty obvious Sterger was looking for a settlement. If she wasn’t, there doesn’t seem like a viable reason it took her so long to meet with NFL officials, who have been investigating the matter.
So, Reese’s chat with the AP is probably just a ploy to help push the image of Sterger as the victim and not a money-grubbing whore. Now that she’s out of a job, Sterger needs to maintain some semblance of professionalism.
As for Favre and Cook, who knows what to believe. I trust Bus Cook’s word about as much as I trust an ex-con not to rob me if I leave my door wide open and draw him a map to get to my house.
Thankfully, we should all know soon whether Favre sent the dick photos and then all of these people can go away. The NFL is in the final stages of the investigation.
Last updated on November 17th, 2013 at 12:24 pm
And they’ll remain in the final stages of the investigation until it’s convenient.
Right, like until after week 17.
The Washington Post gets in on the action.
Now this is hilarious. Are there any more liars we can get quotes from? Let’s hear from Barry Bonds and his trainer. The only better liar than the 32nd rated QB is his agent.
Who cares he is long gone from Wisconsin and that is all we care about – he is old tired and great he retired oh wait he will make a secret comeback somewhere I KNOW IT