I know. Enough about the Minnesota Vikings and Brett Favre.
Sorry, but I have to slip this one in before we get down to the business of the Green Bay Packers and Atlanta Falcons. And it really shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Deanna Favre is said to be keen to divorce Brett if the allegations he sent lewd text messages to Jenn Sterger are true.
“Deanna has threatened to leave him twice before over his badboy ways,” a source told American tabloid the National Enquirer.
“If the sexting scandal proves true, it could be the end of their marriage.”
Yeah, that’s right. We’re quoting the National Enquirer. However, lest you forget, the same source also introduced us to someone named Rachel Uchitel.
Anyway, let me get to the point.
Something about the implication sits a little wrong with me. Favre has already admitted to leaving voice messages for Sterger. Those messages urged her to join him at his hotel.
So, are we to believe Deanna is only going to leave him if it proves true Brett texted Sterger shots of his cock, which is something he’s denied? What would that make Deanna?
We already know she isn’t happy with the old gunslinger after she canceled her plans to attend his game in Green Bay, earlier this season.
Those of us who lived through Favre’s Green Bay years know full well of his earlier transgressions. Deanna stood by him after the drug addiction, the boozing and all of the other women in Green Bay.
Obviously, it’s going to take a lot for her to leave him and I’m no expert on the thinking of women, but even I know she can’t help but be embarrassed and hurt by the Sterger incident.
That’s why I’m interested to see how this scenario plays out, especially since the mainstream media isn’t saying anything about the person who seems to have become the other woman in this ordeal.
Last updated on December 3rd, 2014 at 09:52 am
way to go favre… what a wonderful way to end your career…
Who. Gives. A. Shit.
Wouldn’t surprise me if Deanna and Brett have some sort of understanding. She gets to keep the lifestyle and fame and perks that come with being married to a Superstar and she puts up with the occasional infidelity knowing guys like Favre are tempted frequently in a way that most men couldn’t resist. She doesn’t like it but she tolerates it. The problem though is that this became public and she has a real problem with looking like a women who accepts this sort of transgression. She may end staying with him but she needs to show the appropriate amount of anger and disappointment in order to justify the predictable ‘reconciliation’.
“So, are we to believe Deanna is only going to leave him if it proves true Brett texted Sterger shots of his cock…”
I’m sure if Deanna has seen the pictures she has a pretty good idea whether or not it’s his.
Just like Chilly complaining about Brett’s picks, Deanna can’t say she didn’t know what she was getting in marrying Brett. I agree with Fritz, she’s got her own image to maintain and needs to play this a certain way.
Also keep in mind that she’s written a book on Faith and spirituality. She can’t be viewed as a hypocrite. Ultimately, methinks she’ll “forgive” Brett – publicly at least.
I know everyone gets a kick out of Brent and his horseshit, but we kicked the Queens asses, proved our point, and showed the NFL that we don’t fuck around by putting two coaches out on the street. The Falcons are the next BIG test for our boys in green and gold. So Fuck the Brent ViQueens and let’s get some more wins now that we have that taste of victory in our mouth! It’s Falcon season, let’s blow those fucking dirty birds away and get revenge from the last time they came to our house and stole a “W” from us.
If Favre didn’t knock her up do you really think Deanna would have married him??? Get real. I’m surprised she stuck around this long.