This probably isn’t going to be what you think.
I’m not going to sit here and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of all the Green Bay Packers blogs out there. Recently, Cheesehead TV did a list of the top 15 Packers blogs, doing precisely that.
We made the list, which was nice. Of course, on any list of Packers blogs, I feel Total Packers should be near the top and we were not.
That’s not to say their list was wrong. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which is something we fully promote and embrace in this space. Hell, we even invite ignorant Minnesota Vikings fans to run their mouths, so that should tell you something about our love of free-flowing speech and ideas.
The problem I’ve always had with Packers coverage in general, is that it’s watered down. The writers or reporters either offer no opinion and shitty analysis or they pussyfoot around their opinion and still offer shitty analysis. That’s not the case in every instance, but it’s the case in most instances.
The problem I’ve always had with most Packers blogs is they try to be news reporters. If I want to read Packers news, I’ll go to the Journal Sentinel or the Press Gazette.
And so you get Total Packers — an unholy amalgamation of everything that is the Green Bay Packers, the good, the bad, and the ugly. The simple point of creating this site was because we felt no one else was doing what we are currently doing, which is saying exactly what we think about anything Packers-related.
In other words, we feel this site represents the typical Green Bay Packers fan — our passion is apparent and we don’t give two shits whether you like it or not because we love the Green Bay Fucking Packers!
We know a lot of you feel the same and that made me curious. Where do we fit it?
So, I decided to take the Cheesehead TV list and look at the traffic of each of the 15 sites.
Granted, this is not a scientific exercise. The number one site on their list was the JS Online Packers Blog, the URL of which is buried within the site. I can tell you gets an average of 1.07 uniques a month, but how much of that traffic goes specifically to their Packers blog, I can’t know exactly without hacking into their analytics account. The same goes for the Press Gazette’s Packers Insider, which was sixth on the Cheesehead TV list.
The two newspaper sites cull their traffic from local, national, entertainment, business and other sports news, as well as Packers news. However, based on overall traffic, it’s fair to assume their Packers blogs would rank one and two on this list.
So, here’s how the Packers blogs really stack up.
- JSOnline Packers Blog
- Packers Insiders (Press Gazette)
- NFL Fanhouse Packers blog*
- Cheesehead TV
- Acme Packing Company
- Packers Chatters
- Packers Lounge
- Total Packers
- Jason Wilde’s Blog (ESPN Milwaukee)**
- Ol Bag of Donuts
- Packer Palace
- Green Bay Packer Nation
- Jersey Al’s Packers Blog
- Packer Geeks
- Tundravision
* this is an estimate based on overall traffic divided by 32, the number of NFL teams.
** this is an estimate based on the overall traffic numbers for ESPN Milwaukee, which are not substantial when compared to those of JS Online and the Press Gazette. The assumption is one-third of overall traffic goes to Wilde’s page.
One thing to note when looking at these rankings is they are based on monthly averages over the past year.
Now, I don’t want to suggest there was any political component to Cheesehead TV’s list (or do I…), but this list is an unbiased and relevant sampling of what Packers fans are reading.
No, it doesn’t include every Packers blog that’s out there and the bulk of the traffic resides with sites 1-8, with, we’re assuming, a top-heavy first and second position.
Sure, Total Packers is only eighth on the list, but there isn’t a big difference between the stats for sixth and eighth place.
One day soon, when I stop going on three-day benders with porn stars, I assure you we’ll be much higher.
Last updated on July 31st, 2014 at 10:44 am
Are your traffic estimates based on Compete or Alexa or what?
My criteria was ENTIRELY subjective based on the fact that I have kept an ongoing list of The Top 40 packer blogs since early 2007.
Nice post. I think your site is one of the better designed & run Packer sites out there. :)
Cheesehead TV
Compete, although I had to use some Alexa estimates for a few of the bottom-tier sites, since there wasn’t Compete data available.
Strive to be better as those who don’t end up being called the Minnesota Vikings.
Oh and Nice Page Loads…snappy and an excellent user experience, unlike a viking troll who posts here.
“In other words, we feel this site represents the typical Green Bay Packers fan — our passion is apparent and we don’t give two shits whether you like it or not because we love the Green Bay Fucking Packers!”
Quit stealing my tagline…
Monty, you tell it like it is. Love the site. I defer overall ranking to the booze and porn stars for as long as you like.
FWIW Monty, your site is at the top of my list for Packer related entertainment. I don’t come here for Packer news – you get that at the Journtinel and GBPG.