We’ve got the latest video of Green Bay Packers’ cornerback Al Harris from the National Football Post, as he nears the end of his rehab journey. In it, Al is sporting a new do.
No more straight-up dreadlocks. Al now has some sort of braided, cornrow dreads.
Whether hey make him more badass than he already is remains to be seen, but I think we already have one believer in Harris’ speed training specialist, Tony Sands, who is featured in the first part of this week’s video.
“He’s a beast,” Sands says. “He loves his training. He trains harder than any corner in the game. When we come to work, we bring our ‘A’ game.”
That’s good news for the Packers and bad news for the doubters.
Really, what’s more important than Harris’ hair is his work ethic, which has consistently been as good as or better than anyone’s I’ve ever seen, and the results.
Sure, the pads don’t go on until August, but if you’ve been watching the video series, you have to be excited about Harris’ progress.
one of the biggest impediments to coming back from a major injury is confidence and the ability to push through and get to where the knee is being trained at 100%. Al has proven that the mental is not a problem, now we just have to see if he can get back to full potential and how he reacts to taking some hits. this is exciting stuff!