Not many of us who pay close attention to the comings and goings of Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre have much doubt he’ll play in 2010, but then, you don’t want to jump to conclusions until he says so himself.
Today there is word out of New York, where the New York Jets signed running back LaDainian Tomlinson – someone the Vikings were also courting – that Favre played a key role in trying to recruit Tomlinson to Minnesota.
A source familiar with the Vikings situation told me that Favre was heavily involved in the recruitment process late last week for running back LaDainian Tomlinson. It is believed that Favre spoke to Tomlinson by phone…
That’s about all we know, since the rest of Bob Glauber’s story is behind a pay wall and we sure as shit don’t pay for news.
Anyway, if Favre is recruiting anyone in any way to play for the Vikings, that’s a pretty solid sign he plans on playing another year in the NFL’s asshole.
Favre himself said after the season it was unlikely he’d return and in his most recent public appearance, on The Tonight Show, he said pretty much nothing.
However, Vikings linebacker Ben Leber said he thinks Favre will be back and defensive end Jared Allen has offered Favre some sort of homosexual prize if he returns, so there’s that.
Those of us in Green Bay Packers nation know how this works. When the season ends Favre doesn’t want to play anymore and then he sits around in Mississippi for a while and realizes if he doesn’t go play football he’s going to have to see Deanna for 24 fucking hours every goddam day for the rest of the year, not to mention his life. And I’m sure that gets old.
Seriously though, as much as I personally dislike Lord Favre, the guy can still throw the ball. And more importantly, now that he plays for the Vikings, he can still throw a playoff game away with the all-time greats.
He does this to avoid training camp. I wouldn’t be surprised if he waits until the last minute….again.
once again someone taking there jealous issues out on us. thank u for wasting my time and all the true sports fans time
Nice article. NOT! Why do you care what Favre does or doesn’t do? Oh yeah, you care because he CAN and WILL keep kicking the crap out of the Pack! Haha! And Linda, if he can play like he does without training camp and his coach lets him…well, nuf said.
Natalie, Brett Favre CAN and WILL choke at the worst possible time again and again. We all called it and it happened. Packer blogs write about Favre because he played for us for 16 fricking years. The Vikings are in the same division, we play them twice a year. If there is news about a major player within the division, a Packer blog should make mention of it. When chili stained Vikings fans rip Packer fans for giving a shit about what Favre does and saying that it’s none of our business, it only shows how little you understand football. Please, Natalie, come up with something else. Simply sitting back and saying that we’re jealous is weak, weak sauce. By the way, ask me again who’s jealous in five years when we still have an pro bowl QB.
I agree with Natalie, let the Vikings fans worry about the vikings and the packer fans worry about the packers!
I do understand that you want to keep up on other news as well in the division to. The lions have added Vanden Bosch and Burleson. The bears added Peppers and Taylor. I think right now packers need to worry about how to block peppers this year. Favre should be just a piece of the worry going on because as of now, he still isn’t for sure coming back or not coming back…even though he probably will haha!
You forget that Favre was put into those positions to choke because football is a team sport, and the rest of his team and/or coaches put him in that spot.
When Philadelphia had a 4th and 26th, which would have advanced the Packers in the playoffs, the defense “choked” thus forcing Favre to try and save the game.
When the New York Giants fumbled, it was a Green Bay player closest to the football who didn’t come up with it, that would have sent the Packers to the SuperBowl, but instead Favre was forced to try and save the game again.
When they played the Saints, the Vikings outplayed them, but receivers and AP kept turning the ball over (and yes, Favre did once, too.) But, even with trying to shoot themselves in the foot, and the referees doing their best to give the game to the Saints with questionable and non-calls, it was the coaches who put the Vikings out of field goal range.
Even Peyton Manning, who arguably could go down in history as the greatest quarterback ever choked against the Saints, and he threw nine more interceptions than Favre last year.
I don’t like that Favre draws out his decisions on returning, but yes I believe he will be back. And, he will embarrass Ted Thompson twice more. I used to love the Pack until Thompson treated Favre like he was dirt and traded him to a team that he knew Favre could not flourish in, all because he was afraid of getting the Packers disgraced twice per year.
So, even though I think Aaron Rodgers is a good QB, until you guys wise up and realize that Thompson’s win-loss record will never match Favre’s percentage wise, because Ted’s afraid to spend money in the free-agency, I will not be able to root for your blessed Packers.
Once they get rid of the man who has gutted your team for draft picks that ain’t done much in the last couple of years, maybe then your Pro-Bowl quarterback will have a chance of being half as great as the man he replaced.
I’m sorry, who got beat not once but twice last year by Mr. Favre? Oh yeah, the cheeseheads… hated it… guess what, keep up your yappin and it’ll be another 0 and 2 for you guys this year… enjoy that famous dish that’s served cold… ;op
What is it with people going to a site on their own free will and then complaining about having their time wasted? Maybe if you would just stop coming by, I wouldn’t have to waste my time reading your pointless comments.
let me clarify that the “jeff” comment is not me, though i concur with “jeff’s” comments.
on an unrelated topic, not sure if the author(s) of this blog noted my earlier comments about your “new” look so i’ll repeat it – the “new” look looks great. i retract my previous comment that your website wouldn’t compete with the top 100 Packer sites. (i don’t say that to kiss your ass (or slap it) – just being objective about an unrelated topic)
but you still comment wayyy to much on Lord Favre.
then don’t waste your time reading our comments, al. don’t read our comments.
and let’s be honest, someone trolling another website and ripping on that team (which I have not) is slightly different than trying to understand the collective mindset of a group of people who, i think, can’t let go of the past (my reference to Total Packers wasting time discussing Brett Favre).
jurgens (#4 post)…”you called it”? yeh, after you called it again, and again and again, eventually the odds are gonna be that you call it right. when my best friend said Favre was gonna retire the last 5 seasons at GB – i said no, no, no, no, and the last time i was wrong and he was right. so what? Favre’s never gonna win with the anti-Favre contingent, even if he comes back and wins a SB with the Vikes. you guys hate him and will always find something to pick on. that’s why your stances and viewpoints aren’t objective and don’t stand for much.
Ircink, journalists are supposed to be objective. People leaving comments can be as subjective or idiotic as they want. And if they don’t stand for much, why do you and I bother?
we bother ’cause we’re passionate, i guess. when people of like opinions leave comments, no one notices if they’re subjective or idiotic. it’s only when someone when a differing point of view enters they foray (like me) – then the fur flies.
I’ve been a Packers fan (not anymore), since 1963 and I believe I’ve earned the right to comment on Favre; so here goes. During a very short periodof time, Favre lost his father, father in law, brother in law, had his mothers home destroyed in Katrina and had his wife diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. If he waffled for a few years, I and many others didn’t care, we understood. Plus, he earned that right putting Green Bay on the map again when no-one but us fans cared. Had the Packers given him his unconditional release as they did with Reggie White, none of this would have happened. The Packers after they went with Rodgers (as is their right), wanted Favre to hold a clipboard for a rookie, AFTER coming off a great season. Then, Thompson, Murphy and McCarthy (can you just hear the Three Stooges theme?) offered him a 20 million bribe to be the “face” of the Packers and accused him of tampering with the Vikings with a cellphone he was never issued! Some of Favre’s reactions d NOT make him blameless, BUT…the Packers brought this on themselves. So my point in this long winded diatribe…is that Lord Favre (I love that)….is still one of the top QB’s in the league (best I ever saw. Did morewith so much less) and fans and foes alike should enjoy him while he’s still playing. Once he’s gone, the NFL will be a much different place. How many weeks till opening day kickoff?
Sonny Crockett
Thanks Sonny we accept your resignation as a packer fan …now go find a viking blog to post at..but then again we all know you won’t as viking blogs are desolate and no fun..hence why all you fuckers hang out here!
PackerFaninFL – wrong. there’s some excellent Vikings’ sites. check them out sometime.
Why? may name is PackerFanInFL not SelloutExPackerFanFavreFirstLoverInFL.
so Unlike you I don’t give a shit about other team websites.
Besides has given me enough doses of those ‘excellent vikings sites’ you proclaim…like the doushe who spent (wasted) all that money in favre’s newspaper to publicly suck him off. Or the legions of morons that wasted money on that billboard (funny how none of them rallies for the real cause afterwords) or then there is the King of all viking Fans that sold his allegiance on ebay.
Really why would I search that shit out? My Loyalties are to the packers..they could Hire Matt Millen and I wouldn’t wavier!! (albeit I would be a bit pissed)
i was being facetious, PackerFaninFL. look it up.
“suck him off”? the IQ on about half the comments here is equal to 1.
sellout jeff in milwaukee
LOL at you.settle down sport….Just because you don’t think its funny doesn’t mean someone else don’t.
I agree with you about the IQ …sooner we run you viking fans off this site the smarter we get :p but as I stated before that won’t happen.
doubt it, PackerFanINFL. if you’d stop publishing Favre articles, i’d leave in a second. ball’s in your court, dude.
yeah “sucking him off” is really funny and will add tons of credibility to this blog.
I don’t publish articles man..WTF? Favre was a long time member of the Packers so it makes perfect if he starts posting article sabout losers such as Wade Wilson, Daunte Culpepper, Tommy Kramer or any other retired loser ex-viking QB then I’ll join your cause…and I’m glad your in agreement about the “sucking off”…I knew you would see the light :)
We may have a stupid GM, but I can’t just NOT like the Packers because of it. If fans based loyalty off owners/GM decisions then teams like Oakland, Cleveland, San Fran wouldn’t have any fans at all. I admit, Favre’s a stud. One of the best that ever played. But he’s a Viking now, which means I cannot root for him. I’m just so perplexed by people who say they were Packer fans who are now Viking fans. It makes no sense to me.
TPS (Packer fan thru good n’ bad)
“your” blog as in the blog you support and comment on. why do you take everything so literal, PackerFanINFL? and i was supporting your “sucking him off” comment.
TPS – and it makes no sense to those of us who chose to support Favre after leaving GB why fans hate on Favre. it’s subjective – and an argument neither side can win. is what it is.
Sorry Jeff I’m not in the fraternity of blog owners such as you so I’m bound to make mistakes.
They are called “Farve Fans” you know the type they rooted for the saints last year..and pittsburg the year before..they bascily hop on the current train and bale once it loses there attention…It never ceases to amaze me how many of his loyalists can’t even spell his fucking name.
Jeff, I’m happy to continue this debate (and I use that term very fucking loosly) but I’m done with this thread…feel free to get in your last word I’ll see you down the road (other posts)
i’m done, PackerFanINFL. you and i (and others like us) will agree to disagree. i DO respect your choice as i do others. we all have the right to an opinion. we may not understand each other’s viewpoints. we ARE all passionate about how we feel – THAT is one thing we do have in common.
Brett was god and could do no wrong as a packer. Now that he’s a Vike, he’s a choker. When Erin leaves, he’ll be an uncoachable, egostical stat-stuffer sack-dummy that lost the division to the Vikes every time. Long live Erin!