Here at Total Packers, we pride ourselves on enjoying the finer things in life – Green Bay Packers football, a properly made Old Fashioned, not being from Minnesota, hot broads, etc.
And so, whenever we can incorporate one of our outside interests into talking about Green Bay Packers football, we’re more than happy to do it. In this case, I’m talking about hot broads.
You may remember that we did a shoot with a girl named Sunny this past summer. Since then, I have been keeping my eye out for the woman who might be our next Total Packers Girl and I think I’ve found her.
As an added bonus, she’s even from Wisconsin. Oh, and she likes beer, which is also pretty fuckin’ awesome.
Now, I just need to find a different Green Bay Packers bikini to put her in, so if anyone can help on that front, please email me.
Last updated on May 12th, 2014 at 02:13 pm