Rock ‘n Roll and the Green Bay Packers.
I wouldn’t say these things necessarily go together, but who gives a shit? Jett – who you may remember from such recordings as I Love Rock ‘N Roll, Do You Wanna Touch Me, and I Hate Myself For Loving You – recently spoke about her love for the Packers in Esquire’s monthly feature, What I’ve Learned.
I never lived in Wisconsin. One of those images you see as a kid — I might have been six or seven — it was a Sports Illustrated cover. Everybody was completely muddy, so muddy you couldn’t see who was wearing what uniform. One guy had a swipe across the helmet where the mud was wiped off, and you could see part of the G through it. For some reason, as a kid, just seeing that G, I became a Green Bay Packers fan. Isn’t that weird?
That is weird, but it’s also awesome that one of the rockingest chicks on the planet is a fan of the most kick-ass football team on the planet – the Green Bay Packers.
Rock on!
Last updated on November 17th, 2013 at 12:19 pm