In anticipation of Brett Favre’s return to Lambeau Field to face the Green Bay Packers for the first time as a member of the Minnesota Vikings, the word “class” has been hanging in the air like an I-was-drinking-Pabst-for-12-hours-straight-yesterday fart.
Not only has it lingered, but even when the stench has dissipated, you can’t help but shudder each time you think of it.
You’ve got clowns no one has ever heard of, like the Journal Sentinel’s Gary Howard, telling Packers fans to cheer Favre when he steps on the field on Sunday. In other words, stay classy, Green Bay.
You have Packers players and coaches telling the media they expect a classy reception for Favre.
Then there’s Green Bay mayor Jim Schmitt and his “classy” celebration of Favre’s return to Green Bay.
So, with all this talk of class, we figured we should chime in on the issue. After all, if there’s one thing we know here at Total Packers, it’s how to be classy. (Illustration by Steffen)
Last updated on November 1st, 2009 at 09:38 am
THAT rules. LOL!
Long live LeRoy Butler, go Pack!
This is funny! haha
Who the hell associates football with “classy” anyway???