I’ve blogged before about the idiotic heights some Green Bay Packers’ fans are reaching in anticipation of Minnesota Vikings’ quarterback Brett Favre’s return to Lambeau Field on Nov. 1.
In September, Chris Carriveau announced a “purification ceremony” at a “Black Sunday Event” Oct. 31, at which fans can toss their Favre Packers paraphernalia into a big steaming cauldron and dye it black. The ceremony will include a prayer by St. Vince over the dye cauldrons and a photo op with St. Vince when it’s all said and done. Insert eye roll here.
A few weeks later, in anticipation of Favre Bowl I on Oct. 5 at the MetroBarn (which the Packers lost), a bar and grill in Eau Claire, Wis., announced a “burn your Brett Favre gear” promotion planned for halftime. Eau Claire is my hometown, and I was embarrassed when the story went national. Fortunately, the Eau Claire Fire Department quickly doused the idea, citing the potential for toxic smoke. Stupidity averted.
However, now we have a new attempt to capitalize on Favremania.
Meet Rob Sax, some guy from the Madison, Wis., area who sent the company I work for a press release Tuesday morning promoting his site, Mourn4.com. Sax is selling No. 4 black armbands that he wants all Packers fans to wear during the Nov. 1 Packers-Vikings game. The kicker? Proceeds from the $5 armbands – which Sax claims to have sold thousands of already – go to the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition.
Now, obviously, raising money to curb breast cancer is NOT A BAD THING. By any means. But the cynic in me immediately asked “Aaaaand how is this in any way connected to Favre’s return to Green Bay?”
Sax tries to explain:
“In anticipation of Brett Favre’s Nov. 1 return to Lambeau Field as a Minnesota Viking, Packers fans everywhere are showing their disapproval in many ways. But one fan is working to harness that passion and negativity around this once-in-a-lifetime sports spectacle for something positive.”
Say huh?
I still didn’t get it. Maybe Jo DeMars, a board member with the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition, can explain it better:
“The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition is grateful for being selected to receive the proceeds from the sale of Mourn 4 armbands,” she said. “We can’t help but notice a connection between the Coalition and Mourn 4. Part of our mission is expressed in the name of our website: ‘stand up and speak out;’ and Mourn 4 provides another opportunity for us to express our opinions. We encourage everyone who shares these ideas to stand up and be counted.”
Sorry. Still don’t see the connection. Yes, I know Deanna Favre had breast cancer and that the NFL is supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month right now, but this is just lame. I can’t fault the guy for seizing an opportunity, but man, what’s next in this circus?
Green Bay’s mayor, Jim Schmitt, is also making national headlines after he asked the public for ideas to “tastefully” welcome Favre back to Titletown next month. One suggestion on the city’s Web site calls for making the world’s largest waffle in the shape of a No. 4 – a playful jab at Favre’s indecisive approach to retirement. Our friends at CheeseheadTV.com suggested creating a montage of Favre’s interceptions and showing it before the game. Le SIGH.
I know the majority of this is all in fun. The thing is, I don’t want Packers fans to look stupid and spiteful in the process. And they’re starting to. Like I said before, No. 4 isn’t going to care. Really. He’s not. And all this does is further feed the media firestorm that fans of both teams bitch about.
Last updated on July 31st, 2014 at 10:44 am
Screw Favre, IHATE HIM!@ His betrayal to the Packers indirectly killed my dog and psychologically damaged my children. GO PACKERS!
Agree that most of what’s happening around Favre’s return is silly, and we’re getting lumped in with it all. But like you said, it’s for fun, and in our case it’s for charity — lots of worse things in the world.
Appreciate the coverage.
Rob Sax
You people are really gonna look funny when he beats u down
PACKFAN…. get a freaking life you moron. You shouldn’t be allowed to procreate.
This is a very good article. You can’t blame Favre for wanting to play football regardless of where he plays. Yes, he’s committed to another team; so what! That is no difference that getting a divorce from your spouse and marrying another. You do what you have to do to make yourself happy!
I hope Packer fans don’t look bad when this is all over with. It’s football. If you are a true fan, respect the game tastefully!
Players change teams all the time. I’m sure Viking fans would love to still have Randy Moss, etc…
Get over it PACKFAN (and others).
I think this whole brett favre spectacle is getting a little out of hand. Its the Packers organizations fault for not signing Brett Favre back. Do you blame them???The packers were commited with rodgers and the very young team that they had. Then favre decides he wants to play again. Wat did the packers do? Basically kick him out of out the door and told him to find a new team to bug. The packers were thinking about the future not the one or two years with brett, besides we almost made a great decision. Favre broke down last year with the injury and nearly called it quits. And rodgers had a great year and showed that he was going to be our quarterback for the future…Why hate on a guy when he wants to keep playing football and the team he played for all his nfl career says no to him and moves on. This game is a buisness not your family owned resturant where you see the same faces every saturday morning. Lets remember the favre of the past not of the present. fuck the vikings and lets hope we win.
Ok…are we not aware that this whole Favreness is nothing but media hype??? Its the MEDIA crating drama, not Favre, not the Packers. ITS THE MEDIA….the MEDIA is who has the mike, ITS THE MEDIA who write the newspaper articles. GIve me a break Brett didn’t betray you (Pack fans) or anyone else. He has the right to play football and if Ted T. and the rest of his staff feel that it shouldn’t be with the Pack than that whos fault is that??? YOu do look stupid doing all these crazy things. DId he not give you 16 years of his life?? get over yourself that you think you think you own him and if you cant have hime no one else should. You sound like a scorned lover. Whether we like it or not football is a business and we can’t have it both ways. THe pack has the right to tell him “they’ve moved on” just like he has the right to play for someone else. Be a true fan of the game and above all be respectful.
They’re STARTING to look spiteful and stupid?
Are you KIDDING? We alrady had spiteful & stupid locked up before Favre even SIGNED with the Vikings, with the pathetic “never forget you Brent” and “Judas 4” shirts!
I have not been so embarrassed to be a Packer fan since Forrest Gregg was coach …
Mark, your just a wolf in sheeps clothing, stop giving BRENT fallation and STHU
I say give him the standing O he should have and than play foot.
I will never forgive Brent for leaving the Packers. Because of him being a traitor, the future hall of fame QB who will eventually beat all of Favre’s records Mr. Aaron Rodgers wound up with a 6-10 season.
6-10 after Favre leading the same team to 13-3? He’s a jerk.
Before Favre there were multiple losing seasons and after him we have to start with one right off the bat? With Favre he gave us only one losing season. He has pained me again.
The Packers blew 2 games this season because of Favre. #1: Favre beat us straight up. #2: Favre was responsible for the Bengals loss somehow.
Aaron Rodgers is god. Thank you for listening. Please burn anything with #4 on it, even if it is your #4 child. You will likely be charged with murder, but so what? I hate everything that is #4.
Wow, what a horrible blog. Someone is raising money for the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition and you are ripping on the effort because you can’t find a connection? Get a life. The fact the Favre’s wife was diagnosed with breast cancer looks like a pretty strong connection to me. And how is this “seizing an opportunity” for the guy – 100% of the proceeds are going to the Coalition from what I have read and seen on TV (if it was 50%, I could possibly see your point) – what have you done to raise money for charity?