The difference between the Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings?
History? Tradition? Super Bowl titles? Championships? Class?
Yes. All of those things. The Packers have them. The Vikings don’t, and they never will.
However, I think the biggest difference between the Packers and Vikings are their fans. I grabbed this screen shot from the Vikings website on Wednesday. Other than making me throw up in my mouth a little bit, an important point was once again driven home.
The Vikings can’t sell any tickets, even though they were going to field one of the better teams in the NFC with or without Brett Favre, this year.
You’ll notice the bit of text next to Favre’s fuckface: Limited season tickets are still available. Oh, and then there’s that bit of text below Brett Favre’s fuckface: Get tickets for this historic season.
So wait a second? All of you fucking morons from Minnesota can blather your fucking mealy mouth about how much better your team is going to be this season, but you can’t go buy any fucking tickets to support your shit team?
What is it? Can’t afford tickets on your salary at McDonalds? Still serving out your prison sentence? Have to buy your sister… I mean “wife” a new diaphragm because nine kids are enough?
OK, OK, enough making fun of the mentally challenged. I know it’s cruel and I really don’t mean it.
After I went to, I took a trip over to (where I knew I had no chance of buying any tickets), and found this bit of text: Lambeau Field has been sold out on a season ticket basis since 1960 and we’ve been accumulating names on our legendary season ticket waiting list ever since.
So, like I said, the biggest difference between the Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings are the fans.
I find it ironic that it takes the signing of a former Green Bay Packers great for the Vikings organization to sell any tickets at all.
You’ve proven once again, that you’re second rate all the way, Minnesota!
Last updated on March 31st, 2010 at 12:35 pm
Metrodome does seat 10 to 15 thousand more people than Lambeau
If Lambeau had 20,000 more seats, it would still be sold out every game. Do you know how long the Packers season ticket waiting list is? My father has been on it since 1978.
Ya pack game will always be sold out no matter the seating capacity. It sucks to see Favre in a Vikes uniform but if the man wants to keep playin let him play.
Really hilarious, honestly. I’m a huge Packers fan and feel completely betrayed by the douche-bag. By the way, you used the wrong “by.” Should be “buy.”
Jose – I’m not getting on your case, but my issue with Favre is that he never wanted to retire. He wanted special treatment and about two years ago he realized that he wasn’t going to get it from Ted Thompson. So he devised a way to get to a team that would let him do whatever he wanted. Minnesota. The road has been longer than he assumed (by way of NY) but now at long last he is playing for team that will bend over backwards to make him happy. He’s been desperate to become a Viking for two years and thats why a lot of Packer fans are mad. Instead of manning up and coming to training camp, he “retired” and eventually got a ticket out of town. it’s betrayal. And anyone thinking that he is the magic solution in minnesota should take a look at the “magic” we have been dealing with the last few years.'s_21st_century_disasters.html
But I’m a little off topic… here is an observation onViking Fans. I live in LA, a true melting pot, people from all over the country. There is a huge sports bar in Hollywood and on sunday mornings every team is represented well. Even the Lions. Even teams that I forget exist like the Texans. But you know what? I never see anybody rooting for Minnesota. No one. Does this mean that no one likes the Vikings? People from Minnesota are too stupid to figure out how to get to California? Viking fans in Minnesota don’t care enough to root for their team? All of the above?
This just makes me sick. I named my son after Brett Favre…what the hell am I supposed to do now?? I guess I could just start calling him Darth Vader like he has been pushing for anyway……
Or Evil Lord Brett…
Sheri, as long as he doesn’t grow up to BE like Brett…
Well I have free tickets to Favres first game as a VIQUEEN tonight. 3 rows back from the Vikings sidelines. I plan on losing my voice with the Favre bashing. I live in Hudson WI on the border on MN/WI and its amazing that for soooo long Queens fans hated this guy and now its like he is god in Minneapolis. Honestly Im sick and tired of hearing about this guy. I hope to god someone from the Packers squad drills him with a shot to the shoulder on Oct 5th. GO PACK!