On Monday, the Green Bay Packers closed the book on what was probably their biggest mistake of the season. That’s when they released punter Derrick Frost.
Good riddance, I say. The move was long overdue.
Frost finished his career as a Packer ranked 26th in the league in both gross (42.1 yards) and net (36.1 yards) punting average.
Meanwhile, the guy Big Ted cut right before the season, Jon Ryan, is enjoying a decent season for The Walrus-led Seattle Seahawks. Ryan is 17th in the NFL in net average (37.9 yards) and ninth in gross (46.4 yards).
As Steffen pointed out on Monday, the Packers special times (notably, the punting game) has cost the team time and again this season. Simply, it has been a major contributor in the Packers drive towards mediocrity.
So to you, Big Ted, I say: nice move cutting Ryan! At least now the mistake has been expunged from our short-term memory. It will, however, be noted on your permanent record!
In other developments, we all noticed that Brandon Jackson did the bulk of the running in the second half of the Carolina game, last Sunday. The general consensus is that he performed well (11 carries, 80 yards).
However, the story is a little deeper than Jackson outperforming Ryan Grant, which is what I believed to be the case. Ed note: I may have been too drunk while watching the game slip away to note any sort of sideline report denoting Grant’s injury.
Grant has a sprained thumb. One, as reported by the National Football Post, that will force him to wear a splint this week. Grant’s availability will depend on how well he can carry the ball with the splint, which means we could be in for a full dose of Brandon Jackson this Sunday.
Last updated on April 30th, 2011 at 09:06 am