Well, I’ve been sitting on this for a little while, for various reasons, but in the lull leading up to week one of the NFL season, I’ve decided that now is the time. For what, you ask?
Well, in case you didn’t have enough back in July and early August, we here at Total Packers have obtained the email that Green Bay Packers’ president Mark Murphy sent out to Packers’ employees the day after Brett Favre was traded to the New York Jets.
What follows is the email in its entirety.
From: Murphy, Mark
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 10:02 AM
To: GB – All Users
Subject: Brett FavreAs I’m sure you have already heard, we traded Brett Favre to the New York Jets late last night. I’ve attached the press release we issued last night with a joint statement from Ted Thompson and me. This entire situation has been very difficult for both the Packers and Brett. I also know that this situation has been particularly tough for many of our employees because they have personal relationships with Brett. All along, we have treated Brett fairly, but have made every decision with the best interests of the organization in mind. While I recognize that we have been criticized by some and have made mistakes during this process, I think we have managed a difficult situation well. We have treated Brett fairly and respectfully, but have protected the interests of the organization. Ted, Mike McCarthy and I have been in complete agreement on every decision that we have made during this process. Ted has been a true professional throughout the entire process and did a masterful job in finalizing the trade with the Jets. Mike has been solid as a rock, and his conversations with Brett over the last few days were crucial in bringing closure to this situation. I have been especially impressed with the way that he has kept the team together during this whole ordeal. I am sorry that I have not been able to keep you more informed as this process has unfolded. Given the volatile and sensitive nature of the situation, though, it was very difficult to provide updates. Ted, Mike and I will hold a press conference today at Noon. The press conference will be broadcast live on Packers.com. Although this has been a trying process, I am very confident in the future of this organization. We will emerge from this process a stronger, more unified organization.
The email ended with Mark Murphy’s hand-written signature.
With some time to reflect on the Favre matter, I think Murphy’s statement sums up the situation quite well.
Last updated on September 16th, 2016 at 01:27 pm
“We will emerge from this process a stronger, more unified organization.”
with several quitters running off to minnesota, good riddance